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Coeur d'Artichaut | ¡Tu rincón de Francia en México!

"Quiche Feta et Coeurs d'Artichaut" - Feta Cheese and Artichoke Hearts Quiche

"Quiche Feta et Coeurs d'Artichaut" - Feta Cheese and Artichoke Hearts Quiche

Product information

Sugerencias: Para 6 a 8 personas. Manténla en refrigeración. Puedes congelarla. Recalienta en horno precalentado a 160ºC durante 10 a 15 minutos.

Regular price $ 600.00 MXN
Regular price Sale price $ 600.00 MXN
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Our Feta and Artichoke Hearts Quiche is a delicious twist on the classic quiche, combining the tangy character of feta with the delicate flavor of artichoke hearts. This delightful blend creates a perfect balance of flavors, making this quiche a sophisticated and satisfying dish.

At the heart of our quiche is our signature pâte brisée, a buttery and crisp crust that provides the ideal foundation for the filling, enhancing the exquisite combination of flavors.

Perfect for breakfast, brunch, or a light lunch, our Feta and Artichoke Hearts Quiche is also an excellent choice for entertaining friends and family. It freezes exceptionally well, making it a convenient option for a quick and delicious meal at any time.

NOTES: Please place your order 48 hours in advance. Free delivery in Polanco. Check shipping costs for your area when placing your order.

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